Sunday, June 29, 2014

Eating Kills

Introduction to Eating Kills which is now available on and Amazon .com

This book has strong and possibly offensive language with the occasional harsh tone,you may even get outraged but taking offence should be the last thing on your mind. You are probably already dicing with your health and life with your food choices. If that is the case,then you need to consider the following:

Are you already a member of the overweight society of the UK,possibly over eating to join the super obese syndicate?

May be you have reached that point in your life where you can only see your genitals by looking in a mirror? That is not a good place to be.

May be your doctor is prescribing different types of drugs and dosages to help with your blood pressure,blood sugar and cholesterol levels? ailments brought on by your lifestyle choices. You have eaten yourself into becoming a drug addict.

May be you have been refused surgery or a procedure,due to your weight or blood pressure levels.

May be you are so unhealthy and unfit, a three year old could easily outrun you?

May be you have left the world of fitted clothes behind and only deal in baggy tracksuits now?

May be you do not see anything wrong in eating a 1500 kcal fast food meal in one sitting. On a regular basis.

May be you are on first name terms with the owner of the big and mighty clothing superstore.

May be you cannot bear to look at your naked body in the mirror.

Offensive language? least of your problems right now, in this age,where people are getting seriously ill and dying from simply eating much,tone of language is not an issue.