Saturday, August 23, 2014

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Introduction from the Winners Creed now available on Amazon


This book is written for those of us, who have failed, messed up, screwed up, fallen and run from the field of battle, but on serious reflection have decided to get up ,dust ourselves off and enter the fray again. The Winners creed is the mindset you will need to adopt in order to succeed.

This book does not claim to have all the answers but is just trying to make you change your thinking and alter your mindset, because by changing the way you think, you will consequently change your life.

Now is time for you to change your life, it is up to you to take control of your destiny, as it has been said if anything is going to be, it is up to you.

It is time for you to decide that no matter what the politician’s do, what the economy does, you must decide your own destiny, so when you are on your death bed, old and grey, the only tune you should be singing is Frank Sinatra’s “My way”.

Read, meditate and follow the truths in this book. Underline what moves you, what makes you think, write notes, read the book, once, twice, as many times until you reach your goal. Read to improve your life, ask yourself, any time you are reading any material, is this taking me closer to my goal? or just a waste of time?

Change yourself into a winner. It will not be easy, you will have to keep at it, you will fall down sometimes, it will take a while, you cannot permanently change you life in 7, 14 or 30 days as the books say, It takes steady constant and determined effort to make lasting change to your character, so don’t beat yourself up when in 7 days, you haven’t

changed your personality from Homer Simpson to Richard Branson. It is just like losing weight, it takes a combination of factors such as change of diet, regular exercise, increased activity and willpower to succeed and not the latest fad diet, which you will fall off and put the weight back on again. Remember that it took you a considerable period of time to put on the excess weight; conversely it will take time to shed it.

Stop thinking of yourself as a failure, failure is an event not a life sentence, when you haven’t learned to think like lance Armstrong in 7 days, you need to realise, it was the method of change you used that failed, not you, all you need to do is find or create a method that will give you lasting success, apply and stick to it.

You have already tasted failure so now is the time for you to be the kind of Winner that you desire:

Rich Winner

Healthy Winner

Smart Winner

Winning Parent

Globe trotting Winner

Sports Winner

Winning employee

Winning entrepreneur

The choice is yours: Become who you want to be.

This book is a creed that you will need to adopt, in order to change your mindset to that of a winner. Take a creed a day, take the whole lot at once, take it more than once. Adopt the creeds, become one with the creeds. The creeds in this book often repeat themselves, but in the words of Tony Robbins: “repetition is the mother of skill”.