Saturday, November 01, 2014

Introduction from "Eat yourself to death":

Death by food

You know deep inside your heart that the junk you are eating is ruining your health. That thought flashes in your mind every time, you go shopping for clothes, for food, every time you look in the mirror or stand on the scales, every time you eat another chocolate bar, or order that extra large pizza or order your fourth takeaway meal of the week. You know that you are killing yourself slowly, bite by bite, munch by munch, burger-by-burger, cake-by-cake, fizzy drink by fizzy drink. You are slowly eating yourself to death.

There are no new facts in this book, no new research to report, no new diet fad to promote, the recommendations outlined here have been suggested and presented countless times in a million different places. This is a fat free, lean version of all the information, you need to live longer. You don’t need to wade through facts and figures in a two hundred page book to get the information that you need. This book is a short, quick reminder of what you need to know and do to help yourself.

Yes, you must help yourself, the reason for the epidemic of excess weight is that we eat far too much high calorie food, overdosed with sugar and fat and don’t burn it off with enough physical activity.

Whose fault is it? Fast food outlets? the food industry? Supermarkets? Feckless governments? You can blame all of the above but the person in the mirror must take the major share of the blame.

In these days of compensation culture, every one knows their rights but personal responsibility has crawled down a hole and died.
Order your copy here

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