Saturday, December 06, 2014

Kitchen Safety Record Yearbook 2015 Bespoke Edition

Order a customised hard cover version of the Kitchen Safety Record 2015 yearbook with your company name on the front cover and company details on the first 4 pages of the diary for you to use in your business.
You can also start the year the right way and get your company name on your customers' desks and in their minds from start to end of 2015. What better way to expose your brand for the entire year, 365 days! Every day’s a marketing opportunity for less than 10p a day
Once your bespoke diary is created, it will be available on with direct access, so you can order as many as you like. There are no set up costs,no minimum order just order your copies whenever required.
Please provide us with your details at Once it is set up, we will notify you by email,with a link to your bespoke edition which can be ordered here when ready. 

8 days to go, Are you ready for the new allergen regulations? or will you be asking for trouble?

From 13 December 2014, everyone who produces food for members of the public must declare any of 14 identified allergenic ingredients which are used in non-prepacked or loose foods that are sold or provided.
"The penalties for serving food containing ingredients that include allergens without making this clear to customers can be severe, even under the current law.
In May last year, Jamie Oliver’s Portsmouth restaurant was fined £8,500 after it served pasta to a coeliac after she requested a gluten free meal." source Daily Mail
So keep ahead of your competitors,environment health officers and bad publicity,order your diary now and become compliant with the new rules.


We get to No 1 on publishing in the cooking category this week. Thank you everyone who purchased the 2015 yearbook.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Also number 60 on Amazon's cooking category, I know its not top ten, but hey we are the new kids on the block

Thanks to everyone who brought a copy of the Kitchen Safety Record 2015 Yearbook, thanks to taking us to number 2 on in the cooking category.


Saturday, November 01, 2014

Introduction from "Eat yourself to death":

Death by food

You know deep inside your heart that the junk you are eating is ruining your health. That thought flashes in your mind every time, you go shopping for clothes, for food, every time you look in the mirror or stand on the scales, every time you eat another chocolate bar, or order that extra large pizza or order your fourth takeaway meal of the week. You know that you are killing yourself slowly, bite by bite, munch by munch, burger-by-burger, cake-by-cake, fizzy drink by fizzy drink. You are slowly eating yourself to death.

There are no new facts in this book, no new research to report, no new diet fad to promote, the recommendations outlined here have been suggested and presented countless times in a million different places. This is a fat free, lean version of all the information, you need to live longer. You don’t need to wade through facts and figures in a two hundred page book to get the information that you need. This book is a short, quick reminder of what you need to know and do to help yourself.

Yes, you must help yourself, the reason for the epidemic of excess weight is that we eat far too much high calorie food, overdosed with sugar and fat and don’t burn it off with enough physical activity.

Whose fault is it? Fast food outlets? the food industry? Supermarkets? Feckless governments? You can blame all of the above but the person in the mirror must take the major share of the blame.

In these days of compensation culture, every one knows their rights but personal responsibility has crawled down a hole and died.
Order your copy here

FSA publishes local authority food law enforcement information

24 October 2014
The Food Standards Agency has today published official statistics on food law enforcement by local authorities across the UK for the year 2013/14.
The information is compiled by the FSA from returns by local authorities and it gives the FSA a detailed breakdown of enforcement activity across the country.
The figures show an increase in a number of areas of local authority enforcement activity, and levels of hygiene compliance in food business, in spite of reported staffing reductions.
John Barnes, Head of Local Delivery at the FSA, said: 'The figures this year show business hygiene compliance levels are continuing to improve with 91.7% of food businesses equivalent to FHRS level 3 or above. There’s also been a notable increase in food sampling by local authorities to check food authenticity and to make sure food is what it says is, is safe and is properly labelled.
'These are very positive developments and it’s good to see that local authorities are continuing to target their work in the face of lower staffing levels, which have continued to fall and which reduced  by 3.2% in 2013/14 compared with the previous year.
'We’re very aware of staffing pressures at local authorities and we are working with senior colleagues across the UK to ensure that effective controls are in place in local authorities to protect both local consumers and legitimate food businesses.'
Article courtesy of the Food Standards Agency

14 Allergen list courtesy of the FSA

Food businesses unprepared for new allergen regulations, law firm warns

By Nicola Hutchins

Restaurants and cafés are being warned that they face being hit with a hefty fine or civil action if they are not ready when new European regulations are enforced later this year.

New regulations on food labelling which require allergens such as peanuts and shellfish to be clearly signposted on food were published in December 2011 – and manufacturers have been given until December 2014 to comply with their provisions.
Many cafés, restaurants and catering businesses may be unaware that the regulations also apply to them. Even when they are serving up food that has been removed from its packaging, staff should be ready to answer questions on ingredients and about which allergens may be present.
Regulation (EU) No. 1169/2011 specifically requires 14 separate allergens to be highlighted in ingredients lists and is part of a raft of new measures aimed at making sure consumers know exactly what their food contains.
Business including cafes, restaurants, pubs and even mobile caterers which fail to comply will leave themselves vulnerable to legal action, and the possibility of a fine in the criminal courts.

This legislation specifically requires allergens to be highlighted in ingredients lists on food packaging – but restaurants, cafes and take-aways may not know that the new rules also carry huge implications for any business that serves food to its customers as they also apply to food served without packaging.
Business owners and their staff should be ready to quickly and accurately answer questions on which allergens are present in the dishes on offer. It may be helpful to have a list of ingredients for each menu item at hand to ensure that the information is readily available.
Businesses should always be ready for the possibility that they may be inspected by their local Environmental Health officers – and failure could carry a fine of up to £5,000 per offence. Perhaps more worryingly, they leave themselves open to legal action if they serve up food containing allergens to an allergy sufferer who has asked for information about ingredients and has ordered in reliance of incorrect information.
Business owners who are unsure about the rules and how they might be affected should make sure they take advice well before they begin to be enforced in December to ensure they are compliant with the new regulations.

About the Author

Solicitor Nicola Hutchins, an expert in food safety regulations at law firm Blake Morgan helps clients manage risk by working with them to challenge enforcement actions and through her advisory work in risk management, policies and due diligence. Nicola can be contacted here.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Kitchen Safety Record 2015 Year Book

This brand new 2015 Year book has been developed to help food business operators comply with ALL food hygiene regulations including the new food allergen laws. All relevant documentation in one diary
* Desk sized 2015 Food business diary
* One day to a page 2015 diary with Saturday and Sunday on full pages
* Day and date included on each page
* Advice on new allergen rules section
* Daily allergen control log
* Daily hot food temperature log
* Daily Fridge,Freezer,Chiller temperature log
* Food hygiene for your business section
* Staff attendance log
* Supplier list
* Cleaning schedule sheets
* Staff Training record sheets
* Made in the UK
* Glossy laminated cover
* Free delivery
* Paperback.
Dimensions: 21.6 x 2.3 x 27.9 cm
Order your copy from Amazon here
Or search "Culina Salus" on
408 pages £24.99

Saturday, September 20, 2014

4 Ways to improve your profit margin by Culina Salus

Try not to compete on price as you never know how deep the pockets of the competition are, they may have large reserves of capital and be able to sustain losses, sustained from price cuts, you may not be able to afford this. In a price war, nobody wins, apart from the customer who does not care about your costs.
So, focus on explaining the value you are delivering to the customer, cheap is not always the best.
When you compete on price,you cannot provide good customer service or a quality product and you end up creating the feeling that your product is cheap. Not an impression that is desirable in the food industry.

Cost control should be a regular activity, not done once a year or when the shit hits the fan.
When looking at your costs, can you negotiate better prices with all your suppliers? Can you substitute products? Maybe you can get better prices without compromising on quality.
Do all your staff need to work full time? Maybe part timers will better suit the busy periods of your business?
Look through your bank statements, and make sure that you don't have any direct debits for products and services that you no longer require.
Know exactly how much every product you sell, costs to produce and sell, make sure you have a costing sheet for every recipe. The devil is in the details.

Up sell profitable menu items
Another method for improving your profit margins is to promote the most profitable items that you sell.
Identify the most profitable items and promote them well. Your staff should always ask the customer if they would like to go large, if they order a drink or large fries with their order. McDonald's, employ up-selling all the time, always asking if you want a drink, or a larger meal.

You already have the customer ordering food, ready to spend money with you,why not try to make them spend more?
Keep in mind that the most profitable items are not always the most expensive. The more of these items that are sold, the higher your profit margins will be higher.
Your staff should not just be taking orders and serving food. They should be actively selling your products. Their job is to get customers to spend more than they intended.
Up-selling should be part of your staff training, after all your staff are your biggest cost.

Meal deals
Customers also love to feel like they are getting a great deal. One excellent way to increase your restaurant profit margin is to offer bundled meals. A well-designed meal deal or box meals simplifies ordering for customers in a hurry.
Meal deals and combo's makes ordering easy for customers and drives sales of higher-margin menu items
like drinks and chips.

Advice on new food allergen rules -Allergen information for loose foods.

From 13th December 2014 the EU food information for consumers regulation (EU FIC) comes into force. These new regulations are backed up by the UK food information regulations 2014(FIR)

What is a “loose” food? - All foods that are not pre packed.

These new regulations affect you if you run a cafe,take away,restaurant,bakery and cater in schools,hospitals ,staff canteens,home caterers and care homes. This also includes foods that you wrap yourself such as sandwiches,cakes,pies and foods from deli's,even food sold on websites and delivered to homes; in short where ever food is prepared for members of the public.
Allergic reactions can cause severe illness and in some cases death. As there are no cures for food allergies, those who suffer have to stay away from foods that cause them.

These new rules mean that you have to provide precise allergen information about the food that you make and serve. Oh, you are also legally responsible for the information that you provide. Better get it right! Nearly 2 million people in the UK , suffer from allergic reactions to certain foods, are relying on you.

The new EU law has listed 14 allergens which must be identified in a meal. From December 2014, you must provide details of the allergic ingredients in the food that you sell.
Who are these bad boys? The fearsome 14?

1 Celery. Celery stalks,leaves,seeds, celeriac.
Found: Celery salt(obviously!) salads,stock cubes, and some meat products,Celery powder is naturally rich in nitrate ,without nitrite, cured meats like ham and salami will not have their unique taste and appearance.

2 Cereals. containing gluten- Wheat,rye,barley and oats
Found: Flour,batter,baking powder,bread,cakes,couscous,pasta,pastry,sauces,soups, foods dusted with flour.

3 Crustaceans. Crabs,lobster,prawns and scampi.
Found: in shrimp paste, rice dishes,soups.

4 Eggs. Found: Cakes,mayonnaise,pasta,quiche,sauces, some meat products,meringues,pancakes,egg glaze on pastry,bread & butter pudding – this list is not exhaustive.

5 Fish. Found: Fish sauces, relishes,fish fingers,stock cubes,paella, worcestershire sauce.

6 Lupin: Garden flower which produces seeds, which can be crushed in flour.
Found: Baked goods such as pastries, pies, pancakes and in pasta. Not commonly used in the UK.

7 Milk: Butter,cheese,cream,yogurt and milk powders.
Found: Soups,sauces,foods glazed with milk

8 Molluscs: Mussels,land snails,squid and whelks.
Found: Oyster stews,fish stew,paella.

9 Mustard: Liquid mustard,powder and seeds.
Found: Breads,curries,marinades,soups,relishes,salad dressings

10 Nuts: Almonds,hazelnuts,walnuts,cashew nuts,pecan nuts, brazil nuts,pistachio nuts, macadamia nuts.
Found: Breads,cakes,biscuits,crackers,ice cream,cakes,marzipan,nut oils,sauces curries and stir fries.

11 Peanuts. Found: Biscuits,cakes,curries,sauces like satay, desserts,oils and flour.

12 Sesame seeds. Found: Bread, burger buns,houmous,tahini and sesame oil.

13 Soya: Beancurd, edamame beans,flour,tofu Found: Soya milk, ice cream,meat products,sauces and vegetarian products.

14 Sulphur dioxide: This a Sulfite which prevent foods from becoming discoloured,and has antimicrobial properties to discourage the growth of bacteria. Additionally, they can soften dough or bleach foods.

Found:Dried fruits soft drinks and alcoholic beverages such as wine and cider.

Ignorantia juris non excusat or "ignorance of the law excuses no one"

Now you know about the 14. You cannot say you don't know what allergens are in the food you serve. You also cannot say that your food could contain an allergen.

No! you have to get your stuff together ,be precise and tell your customers which allergens are in your food.

Recording Information
On the daily record sheet in the up coming Kitchen Safety Record 2015 Yearbook (published october 2014), please list type of allergen used in a particular dish.

Always read the label of all ingredients used.

Make sure your do not deviate from the standard recipe.

Keep a copy of all ingredient information on labels.

All containers must have up to date ingredient information labels.

Check your deliveries,to make sure that you are getting what you asked for. Also check that your chosen brand has not been swapped for another.

Providing information to your customers.

Make sure that all your staff are trained,and fully informed, so that when a customers asks what is in the food? they must be able to provide the information by telling the customer or giving them an up to date recipe or ingredients card.(handy if your staff have communication issues)

The information can also be on the menu,chalkboard or your website. Takeaways will need to put that information on the flyers,they drop through people's letterboxes.


1 If someone asks you, what ingredients are in a dish? DO NOT GUESS OR LIE. Always check.

2 Make your your recipes cards , ingredient sheets, allergen control sheets are up to date and easy to access by staff and members of the public.

3 If you change menu,recipes or ingredients,you need to update all the relevant sheets.

4 As always be careful of cross contamination via chopping boards, utensils and thoroughly clean work surfaces and equipment, and wash hands before making food for someone with an allergy.

If in doubt; ASK THE CUSTOMER, they also have a responsibility to ask for information and relay their dietary needs to the person providing the food.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Special offer for

Kitchen safety record 1 year diary

Introduction from the Winners Creed now available on Amazon


This book is written for those of us, who have failed, messed up, screwed up, fallen and run from the field of battle, but on serious reflection have decided to get up ,dust ourselves off and enter the fray again. The Winners creed is the mindset you will need to adopt in order to succeed.

This book does not claim to have all the answers but is just trying to make you change your thinking and alter your mindset, because by changing the way you think, you will consequently change your life.

Now is time for you to change your life, it is up to you to take control of your destiny, as it has been said if anything is going to be, it is up to you.

It is time for you to decide that no matter what the politician’s do, what the economy does, you must decide your own destiny, so when you are on your death bed, old and grey, the only tune you should be singing is Frank Sinatra’s “My way”.

Read, meditate and follow the truths in this book. Underline what moves you, what makes you think, write notes, read the book, once, twice, as many times until you reach your goal. Read to improve your life, ask yourself, any time you are reading any material, is this taking me closer to my goal? or just a waste of time?

Change yourself into a winner. It will not be easy, you will have to keep at it, you will fall down sometimes, it will take a while, you cannot permanently change you life in 7, 14 or 30 days as the books say, It takes steady constant and determined effort to make lasting change to your character, so don’t beat yourself up when in 7 days, you haven’t

changed your personality from Homer Simpson to Richard Branson. It is just like losing weight, it takes a combination of factors such as change of diet, regular exercise, increased activity and willpower to succeed and not the latest fad diet, which you will fall off and put the weight back on again. Remember that it took you a considerable period of time to put on the excess weight; conversely it will take time to shed it.

Stop thinking of yourself as a failure, failure is an event not a life sentence, when you haven’t learned to think like lance Armstrong in 7 days, you need to realise, it was the method of change you used that failed, not you, all you need to do is find or create a method that will give you lasting success, apply and stick to it.

You have already tasted failure so now is the time for you to be the kind of Winner that you desire:

Rich Winner

Healthy Winner

Smart Winner

Winning Parent

Globe trotting Winner

Sports Winner

Winning employee

Winning entrepreneur

The choice is yours: Become who you want to be.

This book is a creed that you will need to adopt, in order to change your mindset to that of a winner. Take a creed a day, take the whole lot at once, take it more than once. Adopt the creeds, become one with the creeds. The creeds in this book often repeat themselves, but in the words of Tony Robbins: “repetition is the mother of skill”.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Kitchen safety record 1 year diary

Kitchen Safety Record 1 year dairy created by Culina Salus
Do you have adequate controls in place to prevent any food safety problems?
How is that information recorded?
Do the right thing for your food business and protect your hard earned reputation,be proactive and order your copy of Kitchen safety record now.
Don't waste money photocopying or using up expensive printer ink or looking unprofessional with pieces of paper.
Kitchen Safety Record Created by Culina Salus contains:
  • One years supply of diary record sheets
  • Durable easy wipe glossy cover
  • Temperature records
  • Contacts list
  • Cleaning schedule
  • Staff training record
  • Supplier list
  • Staff training tool
  • Shows correct food safety procedures
  • Suitable documentation for Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)
  • Assists with catering risk assessment
  • Complies with ‘The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974’ (and relevant codes of practice), ‘The Food Safety Act 1990’ and ‘The Food Hygiene Regulations 2006’.
  • Low cost at under 32p a week
  • Advice section on protecting your business reputation
  • Available in 1 year and 6 month versions (The 6 month version is suitable for outside catering events)
The daily diary sheet also incorporates the fridge temperature records, so you only need to record all information on just 1 sheet. A must have for rock solid food safety record keeping.

Click here to order your copy now
Recommended for ALL catering kitchens including Hotels, Restaurants, Schools, Colleges, Hospitals, Nursing homes, Takeaways, Cafe's, Mobile catering vans, Home caterers, Church and Community halls-Wherever food is prepared for members of the public.

Abide by Food Safety Regulations, keep safe and legally compliant, get your copy now at by entering:kitchen safety record or culina salus into the search box.
Culina Salus,is a veteran of the catering industry with decades of extensive experience as a chef and catering manager, event caterer ,food safety trainer working for companies such as Hilton Hotel,The BBC, Camberwell college of Arts,Tropical dream village in Malindi Kenya, Scolarest and Compass catering.

Other titles by Culina Salus on diet and healthly eating are also available on Amazon: Eat yourself to death, Eating Kills and Winners Creed
Spread the word: Forward to a friend in the catering industry now

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Eating Kills

Introduction to Eating Kills which is now available on and Amazon .com

This book has strong and possibly offensive language with the occasional harsh tone,you may even get outraged but taking offence should be the last thing on your mind. You are probably already dicing with your health and life with your food choices. If that is the case,then you need to consider the following:

Are you already a member of the overweight society of the UK,possibly over eating to join the super obese syndicate?

May be you have reached that point in your life where you can only see your genitals by looking in a mirror? That is not a good place to be.

May be your doctor is prescribing different types of drugs and dosages to help with your blood pressure,blood sugar and cholesterol levels? ailments brought on by your lifestyle choices. You have eaten yourself into becoming a drug addict.

May be you have been refused surgery or a procedure,due to your weight or blood pressure levels.

May be you are so unhealthy and unfit, a three year old could easily outrun you?

May be you have left the world of fitted clothes behind and only deal in baggy tracksuits now?

May be you do not see anything wrong in eating a 1500 kcal fast food meal in one sitting. On a regular basis.

May be you are on first name terms with the owner of the big and mighty clothing superstore.

May be you cannot bear to look at your naked body in the mirror.

Offensive language? least of your problems right now, in this age,where people are getting seriously ill and dying from simply eating much,tone of language is not an issue.

Friday, April 04, 2014

Kitchen daily dairy refill sheets are no longer sent out by the food standards agency.

Abide by Food Safety Regulations,keep safe and legally compliant and order:
Kitchen Safety Record
Created by Culina Salus
6 months supply of daily diary record sheets
Temperature records
Contacts list
Cleaning schedule
Staff training record
Supplier list
Order the new improved Kitchen Safety Record now by going to and
entering Kitchen safety record or Culina Salus into the search box.
Order your pack now
Do the right thing for your food business and your work place.

What are you waiting for ? The EHO to pay a visit and find you unprepared,without the correct records?

Don't waste money photocopying,using up expensive printer ink,or looking unprofessional with pieces of paper.

Order Kitchen Safety Record for less than 84p a week.

Kitchen Safety Record, daily record sheet also incorporates the fridge temperature records,so you only need to record all relevant information on one sheet.

Easy and convenient to use.

Order now at by entering Kitchen safety record or Culina Salus into the search box.

Comply with food hygiene regulations daily and protect your business reputation for only 84p a week.