Sunday, April 17, 2016

Kitchen Safety Record 2016 Yearbook.Page a day dated diary Hardback

Kitchen Safety Record 2016 Yearbook.Page a day dated diary Hardback with free A4 sized Wall Chart

Kitchen Safety Record 2016 Yearbook Page a day food business diary Hardback version with free wall chart

The latest publication from Number 1 bestselling writer Culina Salus. 
Get the latest,improved and updated version of the Food business diaries. SFBB refill sheets are no longer sent out by the Food Standards Agency.
Do not waste money photocopying or using up expensive printer ink or looking unprofessional with pieces of paper.
Contents include:
Food business registration form
Return to work forms
Hazard spotting checklist
Fire safety checklist
Staff training records
Fridge,Freezer temperature log sheets for a year
Daily Food temperature/ Allergen log section for up to 40 dishes.
Daily cleaning schedule
Weekly & Monthly review section
Plus much more
*Plus a free A4 sized Wall Chart for colour coded kitchen ware,to let your staff know which chopping board to use when preparing food
The combination of essential information and ease of use, makes the Kitchen Safety Record 2016 Year Book, an indispensable and reliable food safety management system.
Order your copy here at ebay.|

Saturday, April 02, 2016

Chapter 7 from Good food,Good Business

Chapter 7 from Good food,Good Business

Foods that need extra care
Some foods need to be treated with extra care to make sure they are safe to eat.
Ready-to-eat food
Ready-to-eat food will not be cooked or reheated before serving. These include salads,cold meats,smoked fish,desserts, sandwiches,cheese and food that you have cooked in advance to serve cold.
To protect food from harmful bacteria:
  • Keep ready-to-eat food completely separate from raw meat,poultry,fish,eggs and unwashed vegetables. Use the appropriate chopping board for the right job.
  • Make sure work surfaces,chopping boards,knives etc.are clean and disinfected if you have prepared raw food.
  • Keep ready-to-eat food covered at all times during preparation and storage
Why? This is to prevent harmful bacteria getting onto the food. This is especially important for ready-to-eat food because it will not be cooked or reheated before serving.
When preparing fruit, vegetables and salad ingredients:
  • Peel,trim,or remove the outer parts,as appropriate
  • Wash them thoroughly by rubbing vigorously in a bowl of clean water
  • Wash the cleanest ones first, wash your hands before and after handling fruit and vegetables. If you have prepared vegetables that have dirt or soil on the outside, clean and then disinfect chopping boards and work surfaces before preparing other food.
Why? The dirt on vegetables and salad ingredients can contain harmful bacteria. Peeling and washing helps to remove the dirt and bacteria.

Make sure ready-to-eat food stored in the fridge and cold display units must be kept between 1°C to 4°C.
Why? If these types of food are not kept cold enough, harmful bacteria could grow.
Do not use ready-to-eat food after the use bydate, if there is one.
Why? You should never use food that has passed its use bydate because it might not be safe to eat.
Slicing cooked meats-follow the manufacturers instructions and do not handle meat with bare hands, wear disposable gloves or use tongs.
Why? Meat slicers need careful cleaning and disinfecting to prevent dirt building up and to stop harmful bacteria growing, in particular on the slicing blade. Hands can easily spread harmful bacteria onto food.
You should not use the same machinery and equipment,such as vacuum packing machines,slicers and mincers for both raw and ready-to-eat food. This is because,it is not possible to clean equipment thoroughly enough to be sure all harmful bacteria have been removed. Any bacteria could then spread to ready-to-eat food. If you are preparing both raw and ready-to-eat food, you should make sure where possible this is done in separate clean and disinfected areas. If this is not possible, surface and utensils used must be thoroughly cleaned and then disinfected between tasks. Make sure staff wash their hands thoroughly between tasks,especially when working with raw and ready-to-eat food. This stops bacteria being spread onto foods, surfaces and equipment.
If you think that a food delivery has not been handled safely,reject the delivery.
  • If ready-to-eat vegetables,fruit or salad ingredients have not been washed properly,wash them properly and clean any work surfaces etc.they have touched.
  • If ready-to-eat food has been prepared on a work surface or with a knife that has been used for raw meat,poultry, fish, eggs or unwashed fruit and vegetables,throw the food away.
  • If ready-to-eat food has not been chilled safely,throw the food away.
If you do not think a supplier handles food safely,consider changing to a new supplier. After all it is your business and reputation at risk, if something goes wrong.
Cook eggs and foods containing eggs thoroughly until they are steaming hot.
Why? Eggs can contain harmful bacteria. If you cook them thoroughly this kills any bacteria. Use pasteurised egg (not ordinary eggs) in any food that will not be cooked, or only lightly cooked e.g. mayonnaise and mousse.
Why? Pasteurisation also kills bacteria,which is why pasteurised egg is the safest option.
Do not use eggs after the best beforedate. Make sure you rotate stock and use the oldest eggs first.
Why? After this date, there is a greater chance of harmful bacteria growing in the eggs
When you have cooked rice, make sure you keep it hot until serving or chill it down as quickly as possible and then keep it in the fridge. The problems tend to arise as rice is cooked in large batches,cooled too slowly,then not reheated to 75ÂșC.
Why? Rice can contain spores of Bacillus cereus that may not be killed by cooking or reheating.
You can make rice chill down more quickly by dividing it into smaller portions, spreading it out on a clean tray, or running it under cold water (make sure the water is clean and drinking quality).
Why? If cooked rice is left at room temperature, spores can multiply and produce toxins that cause food poisoning. Reheating will not get rid of these.
Follow the instructions on the packaging on how to soak and cook dried pulses, such as beans.
Why? Pulses can contain natural toxins that could make people ill unless, they are destroyed by the proper method of soaking and cooking. Save yourself the hassle,get tinned pulses,they will have been soaked and cooked already.

Make sure you buy shellfish from a reputable supplier
Why? If you do not use a reputable supplier,you cannot be confident that shellfish have been caught and handled safely. Crabs, crayfish and lobster should be prepared by someone with specialist knowledge.
Why? Some parts of these shellfish cannot be eaten and some are even poisonous,so it is important to know how to remove these parts safely.
Shellfish such as prawns and scallops will change in colour and texture when they are cooked. For example,prawns turn from blue-grey to pink and scallops become milky white and firm. Langoustines (also called scampi or Dublin Bay prawns) are pink when raw and the flesh becomes firm and pink-white when they are cooked. If you use ready-cooked (pink)prawns, serve them cold or reheat them until they are piping hot all the way through.
Before cooking mussels and clams,throw away any with open or damaged shells.
Why? If the shell is damaged or open before cooking, the shellfish might not be safe to eat.
To check that a mussel or clam is cooked, make sure the shell is open and that the mussel or clam has shrunk inside the shell. If the shell has not opened during cooking,throw it away.

Make sure you buy fish from a reputable supplier. If you buy fresh fish make sure you store it between 0°C to 4°C. If you buy frozen fish then keep it frozen at -18° until you are ready to use it.
Why? Certain types of fish,such as mackerel,tuna,anchovies and herrings,can cause food poisoning if not kept at the correct temperature.
Raw chicken: Do not wash raw chicken
Do not wash raw chicken,as splashing water from washing chicken can spread campylobacter. Campylobacter is the most common cause of food poisoning in the UK. Campylobacter can be spread easily and just a few bacteria could cause illness. This could come from raw or undercooked chicken, or from contamination due to washing raw chicken. Campylobacter infections typically cause abdominal pain and diarrhoea for between two and five days.
Cover raw chicken and store at the bottom of the fridge so juices cannot drip on to other foods and contaminate them.
Thoroughly wash and clean all utensils, chopping boards and surfaces used to prepare raw chicken. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water, after handling raw chicken. This helps stop the spread of campylobacter by avoiding cross contamination.

Make sure chicken is steaming hot all the way through before serving. Cut in to the thickest part of the meat and check that it is steaming hot with no pink meat and that the juices run clear. Thorough cooking to 75°C will kill any campylobacter present.

Get your copy here from amazon

Good Food ,Good Business, Starting and running a successful catering business

Recommended chapters are:
Starting a food business,what every one needs to know
Food law inspections and your business
Food hygiene ratings scheme
Immigration law and your staff
Food handlers: fitness to work
Advice on new food allergen rules
Foods that need extra care
Good food Good business for caterers
Dealing with waste cooking oil
Recommended training for food handlers
Food labelling and packaging
Employing staff for the first time
Essential health & safety information
Why business's fail
Optional chapters are
Good food Good business for retailers
Good food Good business for residential care homes
Good food Good business for childminders
Good food Good business for Asian cuisines
Good food Good business for Oriental cuisines
Starting a food business from home
Starting a food import business
Starting a street food business and a pop up.

Setting up a mail order business

Get your copy here.